Travel and Restoration

Motels to Missoula

By |July 15, 2011|

So far on this trip, Todd has arranged almost all the accommodations, including our rental in Missoula. Two places along [...]

Busy Bee Is All That

By |July 14, 2011|

Todd and I spent the night in Buffalo, Wyoming, at a locally owned motel (more on that in a later [...]

Devil’s Tower

By |July 14, 2011|

After eating at Etta's Place in Sundance, we drove to Devil's Tower, the first national monument in the United States. [...]

Monuments of Stone

By |July 13, 2011|

On our way to Missoula, the first stop on our 12 Cities, 1 Year tour, Todd and I stopped at [...]

Nice, for Chain Italian

By |July 11, 2011|

My dearest friend, whom I have known since middle school, met me for Italian food in South Kansas City the [...]

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