One of Denver’s recent public art projects was to install some painted cows around the city.
I guess Denver decided it couldn’t shake its cowtown image, so it would celebrate it. Those of us in the know, of course, prefer “Bovine Metropolis.”
This particular cow guards the edge of Skyline Park, one of the Skyline development projects of the 1960s and 1970s that aimed to clean up Denver’s Skid Row (now Larimer Square) and other parts of downtown.
The park behind it used to be a greener space, but apparently too many homeless people made use of it, so they covered it over.
If you’re in the mood for a walk in the park this weekend, check out the People’s Fair in Civic Center Park.
I’ve never been, and I’ll miss it this weekend as well, since I’ll be in Chama and Antonito and Buena Vista (pronounced “Byoona Vista” by the Anglo locals, thank you very much).
There’s a mutiny happening at the Denver Film Society. Check out the latest developments here.
You would not want to see a ‘Painted Cow’ after it had been on display in Oakland for a week, Beth.
If you want to check out a tiny preview of the People’s Fair, you could check out BlogDog’s post tonight.
Enjoy your weekend away!
Mary’s last blog post..Blast off at the People’s Fair!: Weekend Doggie Double plus
My kids LOOOOOVE those cows. Every time we go downtown we have to pose with them.
Amber’s Crazy Bloggin’ Canuck’s last blog post..A Mommy Blogger Warning to Men Everywhere
Thanks for commenting, all of you. I’m on my way to Sand Dunes this morning.
Bernard, what would happen to it? Would it be tagged? Or something worse?
Beth’s last blog post..Downtown Denver Restaurants: Appaloosa Grill
It would be tagged in ways only an avid imagination could envision… worse if it was not made out of some indestructible material… much worse if it was not fastened down, making it impossible to move.
The festivals can be trying for the locals. A time when we get swarmed by dreadful suburbanites… er, no offense.
saint’s last blog post..Into a Technicolor Universe
Oh, Saint, I’m not really a suburbanite. I just live there.
How are your travels going?
Beth Partin’s last blog post..Crazy About Denver: Cows at the Fair