My foolish week
I took Cancer Vixen literally. After reading it, I thought the first couple of days after chemo would be easy. The [...]
A new direction
I've updated the About page on this blog and checked the links. Soon I will begin providing examples of DIY [...]
Hard to port
I had a port inserted today so that I can receive chemotherapy (and have blood drawn) through the port instead [...]
MonHaibun: Ballard in the morning
She has gray hair and sleeps in the doorway. She fits her back into it, concave, her face out for [...]
Burmese food a subtle delight
When I was in San Francisco last month, my cousin invited us to eat at Mandalay, one of two Burmese [...]
How Cancer Distorts the English Language
I'm an impatient person who is getting lots of lessons in patience lately. My life seems like a film shoot: [...]