I have never found anything better than an alley to focus the mind. They call to me the way a remnant patch of suburban woods called when I was a child.
What’s in there? What’s at the end?
A hitch in my step: I leave the mystery for another day.I have never found anything better than an alley to focus the mind. They call to me the way a remnant patch of suburban woods called when I was a child.
What’s in there? What’s at the end?
A hitch in my step: I leave the mystery for another day.
This is absolutely wonderful. I’m truly moved.
Thanks, Michele. Glad to see you on here!
Beth Partin’s last blog post..MonHaibun: Denver Alleys
I am hugely allergic to those weeds with the yellow flowers in the third photo. Are they blooming already? Normally they don’t flower until late March.
Todd Bradley’s last blog post..Inside Todd’s Head
Very clean alleyways.
BernardL’s last blog post..Throttle Position Sensor
Yes, Bernard, Denver is a clean city. 🙂 Or something.
Todd, that picture was taken in October, which is when ragweed or goldenrod blooms. There is a native plant that looks like ragweed by isn’t.