I get some weird reactions when I whip out my reusable utensils.
When I used them at a picnic recently, my friend inquired, “Aren’t you going to use what’s already here?”
The other Friday I was at the newish Ivanhoe Farmers Market at Woodland and 37th, and in a attempt to defuse the oddity (!) of me asking for shave ice in my own cup, I said to one of the vendors, “I know it’s weird.” And then he agreed with me.
People aren’t supposed to agree with me when I say I’m weird! Because, quite frankly, I think it’s nonsensical that everyone doesn’t bring her own cup. Why create trash when you don’t have to?
Then I tried to comfort myself by blaming it on Kansas City, but the same thing happened in Denver. Unless you’re at a coffee shop asking for your latte to go, people expect you to take that disposable cup or bottle. But instead I hold out a cup to them and ask, “Will you put it in here?”
And that is just too much.