Over the last few years, “transition” movements have been popping up all over the country. Their long-term goal is to strengthen the local economy to the point at which it can provide for the needs of local people. Their short-term goal is to enhance security by producing more food and other goods locally.

I believe that in Colorado, 1 percent of our food is produced locally, but I couldn’t find a source. If anyone can find a source, I would appreciate it.

There is a Transition Colorado group that has about 1,000 members, 130 of whom live in the Denver area. When I was at the Local Flavor Fest last Saturday, I met up with my friend Dana, who is very involved in Transition Denver. She told me about Denver Urban Homesteading Local Market and Reskilling Center down on Santa Fe. According to Dana, it’s one of only a few such organizations in the United States. I went to their website and read this: “Click to help decriminalize Denver’s chickens.” That made me laugh.

To some people, this movement may seem a bit apocalyptic. Peak oil! What if the food distribution network breaks down and we can’t get our peaches in the winter?!!

But Transition Colorado appeals to me because of its focus on encouraging local farmers, especially urban farmers, and local businesses. I believe that Americans do need to reestablish food distribution networks at the local level to supplement the national distribution network on which we now rely.

Whether peak oil will happen in the way some people predict, only time will tell. In the meantime, I’ll let someone else raise the chickens and keep planting my little garden and going to the farmer’s market.

Dana said that Will Allen, of Milwaukee Growing Power (the only land within Milwaukee city limits zoned as farmland), will speak in Denver in November. I definitely want to go see him.


There’s a fine arts festival in Golden this weekend.

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