In June 2011, my husband and I sold our house and most of our belongings and set out for the West Coast. We packed what we thought we needed in our red Prius.
We planned to begin in Missoula, head over to Seattle, work our way down the coast, and then head east across the Southwest. While I was in Portland, my right armpit swelled up, and shortly after we left Arcata, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. At that point we moved back to Denver so that I could get treatment. A few weeks after my treatment ended, in August 2012, we set out for the East Coast. Since then we have been living in Denver, saving money for our next adventure—6 months to 1 year traveling to several Pacific nations.
The links at the end of this post go to the main city posts I imported from the 12 Cities, 1 Year site, which no longer exists. If you want to read all Twelve Cities posts, then enter “Twelve Cities” in the search box. You could also try searching by city names.
Here is the current list of the 12 cities and when we plan to be in each one.
Last update: October 15, 2011
City #1: Missoula, MT – July 10, 2011 to August 10, 2011
City #2: Seattle, WA – August 17, 2011 to September 16, 2011
City #3: Portland, OR – September 16, 2011 to October 12, 2011
City #4: Arcata, CA – October 14, 2011 to November 5, 2011
(then there’s a gap while we fly east, spend a couple days in the Bay Area, and have Thanksgiving in LA)
Note: On November 21, 2011, Beth was diagnosed with breast cancer, and we moved back to Denver for treatment. We never did finish our 12 Cities itinerary, but I’ve left it here anyway.
City #5: San Diego, CA – November 26, 2011 to December 22, 2011
City #6: Las Vegas, NV – December 23, 2011 to January 20, 2012
City #7: Tucson, AZ – January 22, 2012 to February 17, 2012
City #8: New Orleans, LA – February 22, 2012 to March 19, 2012
City #9: Chattanooga, TN – March 20, 2012 to April 20, 2012
City #10: St. Louis, MO – April 21, 2012 to May 19, 2012
City #11: Chicago, IL – May 19, 2012 to June 18, 2012
City #12: Minneapolis, MN – June 19, 2012 to July 17, 2012
The Travelers
Beth Partin is a poet, fiction writer, copyeditor, photographer, gardener, birder, and obsessive recycler. She’s been wanting to travel for years and finally convinced Todd it was a good idea.
Todd Bradley is a foodie (in the good sense), filmmaker, traveler, roller derby aficionado, and software engineer. His videography business is Exploding Corpse Productions, even though he’s never made a movie with an explosion or a corpse. He likes Pelican cases, cherries, and Kurosawa movies. He dislikes bigotry, oysters, and Woody Allen. His birthday is March 20, and his official height is 6′ even (it was 6’1″ in high school).
City pages
Missoula (This links to the former page from 12 Cities, 1 Year. You can find all the Missoula posts by searching for the city name or looking in Categories.)
Seattle (This links to the former page from 12 Cities, 1 Year. You can find all the Seattle posts by searching for the city name or looking in Categories.)
Portland (This links to the former page from 12 Cities, 1 Year. You can find all the Portland posts by searching for the city name or looking in Categories.)
Arcata (This links to the former page from 12 Cities, 1 Year. You can find all the Arcata posts by searching for the city name or looking in Categories.)
[…] posts from 12 Cities, 1 Year, can be found on this site or on Todd Bradley’s Galaxy. See the main 12 Cities post for more information. You can also search for Arcata […]
[…] from 12 Cities, 1 Year, can be found on this site or on Todd Bradley’s Galaxy. See the main 12 Cities post for more information. You can also search for Missoula […]
[…] posts from 12 Cities, 1 Year, can be found on this site or on Todd Bradley’s Galaxy. See the main 12 Cities post for more information. You can also search for Seattle […]
[…] posts from 12 Cities, 1 Year, can be found on this site or on Todd Bradley’s Galaxy. See the main 12 Cities post for more information. You can also search for Portland […]