Without clear terminology, the eight industries of restorative development [natural: ecosystems, fisheries, farmlands, watersheds; built: brownfields, infrastructure, heritage, disaster/war] will have an exceedingly difficult time resolving their conflicts with each other. For instance, switching a farm from growing tobacco to growing cotton might contribute to the restoration of a society wishing to decrease its use of addictive, carcinogenic drugs, but it’s certainly not farm restoration. Cotton is less profitable and more damaging to the land than tobacco. Switching instead to raspberries might be both more profitable and less damaging to the land, but it’s still not farm restoration, only a change for the better. Switching to organic raspberries … now that might be restorative. All restoration is improvement, but not all improvement is restoration.

—Storm Cunningham, The Restoration Economy, p. 49

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  1. Storm Cunningham April 27, 2010 at 6:49 am - Reply

    Thanks for posting that, Beth!